
2018年4月,第37届国际燃烧会议(International Symposium on Combustion)的口头报告录用通知发布,柳朝晖教授、赵海波教授、刘晶教授、和邹春教授作为通讯作者的共计8篇论文被录用为会议口头报告。

国际燃烧学会(The Combustion Institute)成立于1954年,是国际燃烧界的最高学术组织,同时主持出版学术期刊Combustion and Flame和Proceedings of the Combustion Institute。国际燃烧学会系列学术会议是国际燃烧界最高等级学术会议,每两年举办一次。本次国际燃烧会议将于2018年7月29日至8月3日在爱尔兰都柏林举行。


  1. Hao Lu*, Chun Zou*, Shujing Shao, Hong Yao. Large-eddy simulation of MILD combustion using partially stirred reactor approach

  2. Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Feng Liu, Zhen Wang, Zhen Zhang. Comprehensive evolution mechanism of SOx formation during pyrite oxidation

  3. Zhen Wang, Jing Liu*, Yingju Yang, Feng Liu, Junyan Ding. Heterogeneous reaction mechanism of elemental mercury oxidation by oxygen species over MnO2 catalyst

  4. Feng Liu, Jing Liu*, Yingju Yang, Zhen Wang. Reaction mechanism of spinel CuFe2O4 with CO during chemical-looping combustion: An experimental and theoretical study

  5. Junjun Guo, Fan Hu, Wei Luo, Pengfei Li, Zhaohui Liu*. A full spectrum k-distribution based non-gray radiative property model for unburnt char

  6. Xinchen, Zuwei Xu*, Fan Yang, Haibo Zhao*. Flame spray pyrolysis synthesized CuO-TiO2 nanoparticles for catalytic combustion of lean CO

  7. Jinchen Ma, Jinxing Wang, Xin Tian, Haibo Zhao*. In-situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion of plastic waste in a Semi-Continuously Operated Fluidized Bed Reactor

  8. Mingze Su,Jie Cao, Xin Tian, Yongliang Zhang, Haibo Zhao*. Mechanism and kinetics of Cu2O oxidation in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling





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