赵永椿,男,1982年2月生,湖北荆州人。华中科技大学教授、博士生导师,煤燃烧国家重点实验室副主任,国家环境保护燃煤低碳利用与重金属污染控制工程技术中心主任。国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖获得者。2003年毕业于华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院,2008年获得华中科技大学热能工程博士学位,2009-2010年在华中科技大学机械工程博士后流动站从事博士后研究。主要从事煤炭利用过程中污染物形成与控制及产物资源化利用的相关研究。美国大气污染物管理协会AWMA会员、英国皇家化学会会员、有机岩石学会TSOP会员。2007年入选首批“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”。先后主持国家重点研发计划课题1项、国家自然基金项目4项,国家自然科学重点基金、国家"973"计划子课题、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目、科技部重大国际合作项目等课题近20项。获2018年度中国电力科学技术奖二等奖、2015年广东省科学技术进步三等奖。获得国家发明专利授权9项。发表学术论文140余篇,SCI收录89篇,其中5篇入选ESI高引论文,1篇入选ESI热点论文,SCI他引频次总计1250余次,H指数23。由科学出版基金资助出版我国第一部燃煤汞排放控制的专著《煤燃烧汞的排放及控制》。合作撰写英文著作3部。多次担任国际学术会议分会主席,国内外学术会议邀请报告5次,本领域国际知名期刊International Journal of Coal Geology客座编辑,国家自然科学基金委通讯评议专家,Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Environmental Science & Technology、Catalysis Science & Technology、Fuel、Energy & Fuels、International Journal of Coal Geology、中国电机工程学报、燃料化学学报、燃烧科学与技术、工程热物理学报、煤炭学报、催化学报、中国环境科学、洁净煤技术等多个期刊特邀审稿人。
与英国Edinburgh大学,Heriot Watt大学、美国Florida大学、巴西 UNILASALLE、台湾大学、香港大学等知名高校和研究机构有着良好的合作关系;
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Hg在线监测系统 | 燃煤电厂Hg形态在线监测(EPA-30B) |
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固体、液体中汞含量PYRO-915+汞分析仪 | CO2光催化还原系统 |
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2014CB238904,电厂燃煤有害元素形态演变与污染防治, 2014.01-2018.08
国家自然科学基金面上项目,51176060,燃煤飞灰中磁珠对单质汞的定量氧化和脱除方法研究, 2012.01-2015.12
国家自然科学基金青年项目,50906031,基于煤中矿物质定量热分析的新型灰沉积判别指数研究, 2010.01-2012.12
企业委托项目【广东电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院】,富氧燃烧工艺参数的理论研究及经济性评估, 2015.10-2016.10
企业委托项目【三河发电有限责任公司】,燃煤电站污染物联合脱除交互影响机制及系统优化研究, 2015.9-2016.10
企业委托项目【广东电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院】,燃煤电厂PM2.5排放清单算法及关键控制技术的研究, 2014.09-2015.12
企业委托项目【武汉汉缘和环保科技有限公司】,基于飞灰磁珠的脱汞功能添加剂开发, 2015.01-2017.12
企业委托项目【西安热工院有限公司】,新疆准东煤沾污机理及预测模型研究, 2014.02-2014.05
熊卓 |
12级博士 |
二氧化碳光催化还原 |
534032767@qq.com |
杨建平 |
13级博士 |
煤燃烧汞的排放及控制;固体废弃物资源化利用 |
张世博 |
15级博士 |
低温SCR脱硝脱汞一体化的研究 |
祁慧 |
14级硕士 |
准东煤中无机组分的赋存及其在燃烧过程中的释放规律 |
1559834265@qq.com |
马斯鸣 |
14级硕士 |
蜂窝陶瓷光纤反应器光催化脱汞 |
1148077428@qq.com |
雷泽 |
15级硕士 |
二氧化碳光催化还原 |
476948366@qq.com |
王玉静 |
15级硕士 |
煤及燃烧产物中铀的释放规律及赋存形态 |
朱彬彬 |
16级硕士 |
磁珠脱汞技术示范 |
499066506@qq.com |
饶睿 |
16级硕士 |
高钠煤中钠的释放规律 |
ruirao@hust.edu.cn |
陈艺欣 |
15级本科 |
汞方向的模拟 |
曹丁山 |
15级本科 |
二氧化碳光催化还原 |
1741613606@qq.com |
陈宇霄 |
15级本科 |
二氧化钛晶面调控 |
1512416527@qq.com |
肖成哲 |
15级本科 |
燃煤烟气汞的脱除 |
466911597@qq.com |
王艺程 |
15级本科 |
二氧化碳光催化还原 |
353458166@qq.com |
孔凡淇 |
15级本科 |
催化剂脱汞 |
524283425@qq.com |
郑楚光, 张军营, 赵永椿, 刘晶, 郭欣. 煤燃烧汞的排放及控制. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010, 383pp. ISBN 978-7-03-028872-1
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Mineral transformation and ash deposit during coal combustion. In Coal Combustion Research, Editors: Christopher T. Grace, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011.6, ISBN: 978-1- 61668-423-5 pp171-204.
Lin Chang, Yongchun Zhao, Hailong Li, Chong Tian, Yi Zhang, Xuehai Yu, Junying Zhang. Effect of sulfite on divalent mercury reduction and re-emission in a simulated desulfurization aqueous solution[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 165: 138-144.
Zhuo Xiong, Ze Lei,Xiaoxiang Chen, Bengen Gong ,Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng, Jeffrey C.S. Wu.CO2 photocatalytic reduction over Pt deposited TiO2 nanocrystals with coexposed {101} and {001} facets: Effect of deposition method and Pt precursors[J]. Catalysis Communications, 2017, 96: 1-5.
Zhuo Xiong, Ze Lei, Siming Ma, Xiaoxiang Chen, Bengen Gong, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng, Jeffrey C.S. Wu. Photocatalytic CO2 reduction over V and W codoped TiO2 catalyst in an internal-illuminated honeycomb photoreactor under simulated sunlight irradiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 219: 412-424.
Yumin Chen, John R Grace,Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang.Multi-fluid reactive modeling of sorption enhanced steam reforming of coke oven gas in fluidized bed[J]. Fuel, 2017, 204: 152-170.
Yiquan Guo, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao , Shaolong Wang, Cheng Jiang, Chuguang Zheng. Chemical agglomeration of fine particles in coal combustion flue gas: Experimental evaluation[J]. Fuel, 2017, 203: 557-569.
Zixue Luo, Wenfeng Cheng, Bo Wu,Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang. A mode transition strategy from air to oxyfuel combustion in a 35 MW coal-fired power plant boiler[J]. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 34(5): 1554-1562.
Lulu Wang, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang. Comprehensive Evaluation of Mercury Photocatalytic Oxidation by Cerium-Based TiO2 Nanofibers[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(14): 3804-3812.
Shibo Zhang, Yongchun Zhao, Jianping Yang, Yi Zhang,Ping Sun, Xuehai Yu, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Simultaneous NO and mercury removal over MnOx/TiO2 catalyst in different atmospheres[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 166: 282-290.
Peng Ni, Zhuo Xiong, hong Tian, Hailong Li, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Influence of carbonation under oxy-fuel combustion flue gas on the leachability of heavy metals in MSWI fly ash. Waste Management, 2017, 67: 171-180.
Jianping Yang, Singming Ma, Yongchun Zhao,Junying Zhang, Zhaohui Liu,Shibo Zhang,Yi Zhang,Yaming Liu,.Yongxin Feng, Kai Xu,Jun Xiang,Chuguang Zheng. Mercury emission and speciation in fly ash from a 35 MWth large pilot boiler of oxyfuel combustion with different flue gas recycle[J]. Fuel, 2017, 195: 174-181.
LuluWang, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang. Electrospun cerium-based TiO2 nanofibers for photocatalytic oxidation of elemental mercury in coal combustion flue gas[J]. Chemosphere, 2017, 185: 690-698.
Yingju Yang, Jing Liu, Bingkai Yang,Yongchun Zhao,Xiaoyi Chen,Fenghua Shen. Experimental and theoretical studies of mercury oxidation over CeO2 - WO3/TiO2 catalysts in coal-fired flue gas[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 317: 758-765.
Yi Zhang,Jianping Yang ,Xuehai Yu,Ping Sun,Yongchun Zhao,Junying Zhang,Gang Chen,Hong Yao,Chuguang Zheng. Migration and emission characteristics of Hg in coal-fired power plant of China with ultra low emission air pollution control devices[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 158: 272-280.
Zhuo Xiong, Ze Lei, Zuwei Xu, Xiaoxiang Chen, Bengen Gong, Yongchun Zhao, Haibo Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Flame spray pyrolysis synthesized ZnO/CeO2 nanocomposites for enhanced CO2 photocatalytic reduction under UV-Visible light irradiation. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2017, 18: 53-61.(2015 IF: 4.764)
Shibo Zhang,Yongchun Zhao,Zonghua Wang,Junying Zhang,Lulu Wang,Chuguang Zheng. Integrated removal of NO and mercury from coal combustion flue gas using manganese oxides supported on TiO2[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017, 53: 141-150.
Zhuo Xiong, Ze Lei, Bengen Gong, Xiaoxiang Chen, Yongchun Zhao*, Junying Zhang, Jeffrey C.S. Wu. A novel reaction mode for enhanced CO2 photocatalytic reduction. Catalysis Communications,2017, 89: 4-8 (2015 IF: 3.389)
Siming Ma, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Research Progress of Pollutants Removal from Coal-fired Flue Gas using Non-thermal Plasma. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 67:791-810.
Zhuo Xiong, Ze Lei, Chia-Chien Kuang, Xiaoxiang Chen, Bengen Gong, Yongchun Zhao*, Junying Zhang*, Jeffrey C.S. Wu. Selective photocatalytic reduction of CO2 into CH4 over Pt-Cu2O TiO2 nanocrystals: The interaction between Pt and Cu2O cocatalysts. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 202:695-703(2015 IF: 8.328) Engineering, Environmental TOP 1.
Peng Ni, Hailong Li, Yongchun Zhao*, Junying Zhang*, Chuguang Zheng. Relation between leaching characteristics of heavy metals and physical properties of fly ashes from typical municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators. Environmental Technology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2016.1246612 (2015 IF: 1.76)
Jianping Yang, Yongchun Zhao※, Siming Ma, Binbin Zhu, Junying Zhang※, Chuguang Zheng.Mercury removal by magnetic biochar derived from simultaneous activation and magnetization of sawdust. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016,50: 12040-12047 (2015 IF: 5.393)
Bengen Gong, Chong Tian, Zhuo Xiong, Yongchun Zhao*, Junying Zhang *. Mineral changes and trace element releases during extraction of alumina from high aluminum fly ash in Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016, 166: 96-107.
Jianping Yang, Dongyuan Liu, Yongchun Zhao*, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Transformation behaviour of uranium during coal combustion and the radioactivity of combustion products. Fuel, 2016, 186(15): 405-413.
Xiaoxiang Chen, Zhuo Xiong, Yadi Qin, Bengen Gong, Chong Tian, Yongchun Zhao*, Junying Zhang*, Chuguang Zheng. High temperature CO2 sorption by Ca-doped Li4SiO4 sorbents. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(30): 13077-13085
Yang, J., Y. Zhao*, J. Zhang, and C. Zheng, Removal of elemental mercury from flue gas by recyclable CuCl2 modified magnetospheres catalyst from fly ash. Part 3. Regeneration performance in realistic flue gas atmosphere. Fuel, 2016. 173: p. 1-7.
Yang, J., Y. Zhao*, J. Zhang, and C. Zheng, Removal of elemental mercury from flue gas by recyclable CuCl2 modified magnetospheres catalyst from fly ash. Part 2. Identification of involved reaction mechanism. Fuel, 2016. 167: p. 366-374.
Yang, J., Y. Zhao*, J. Zhang, and C. Zheng, Removal of elemental mercury from flue gas by recyclable CuCl2 modified magnetospheres catalyst from fly ash. Part 1. Catalyst characterization and performance evaluation. Fuel, 2016. 164: p. 419-428.
Xiong, Z., Y. Luo, Y. Zhao*, J. Zhang, C. Zheng, and J.C.S. Wu, Synthesis, characterization and enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction activity of graphene supported TiO2 nanocrystals with coexposed {001} and {101} facets. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016 May, 18, 13186-13195. Inside front cover
Tian, C., Q. Lu, Y. Liu, H. Zeng, Y. Zhao*, J. Zhang, and R. Gupta, Understanding of physicochemical properties and formation mechanisms of fine particular matter generated from Canadian coal combustion. Fuel, 2016. 165: p. 224-234.
Zhuo Xiong; Haibing Wang; Hailong Li; Baizeng Fang; Yongchun Zhao*; Junying Zhang; Chuguang Zheng. Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 on platinum metal and ion modified titania nanoparticles under UV/Visible light irradiation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(32):10049-10062
Yang, Jianping; Zhao, Yongchun*; Chang, Lin; Zhang, Jun Ying; Zheng, Chuguang. Mercury Adsorption and Oxidation over Cobalt Oxide Loaded Magnetospheres Catalyst from Fly Ash in Oxyfuel Combustion Flue Gas. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015,49(13): 8210-8218
Zhuo Xiong; Yongchun Zhao*; Junying Zhang; Chuguang Zheng. Efficient photocatalytic reduction of CO2 into liquid products over cerium doped titania nanoparticles synthesized by a sol-gel auto-ignited method. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 135: 6-13.
Yumin Chen, C. Jim Lim, John R. Grace, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao*, Chuguang Zheng. Characterization of pressure fluctuations from a gas–solid fluidized bed by structure density function analysis. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 129: 156–167
Jianping Yang, Yongchun Zhao*, Junying Zhang, and Chuguang Zheng. Regenerable cobalt oxide loaded magnetosphere catalyst from fly ash for mercury removal in coal combustion flue gas. Environmental Science& Technology, 2014, 48(24): 14837–14843
Jianping Yang; Yongchun Zhao*; Vladimir Zyryanov; Junying Zhang; Chuguang Zheng. Physical-chemical characteristics and elements enrichment of magnetospheres from coal fly ashes. Fuel, 2014, 135: 15-26
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Release and removal using sorbents of chromium from a high-Cr lignite in Shenbei coalfield, China. Fuel, 109 (2013) 86–93
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Transformation of aluminum-rich minerals during combustion of a bauxite-bearing Chinese coal, International Journal of Coal Geology, Volume 94, 1 May 2012, Pages 182–190
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Xinyu Shao, Chuguang Zheng. A new approach for ash melting thermo-analysis based on mineral quantitative. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(10): 1043-1047.
Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao, Chao Wei, Bin Yao, Chuguang Zheng. Mineralogy and microstructure of ash deposits from a coal-fired power plant in China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2010, 81(4): 309-319
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Jing Liu, Mercedes Díaz-Somoano, Patricia Abad-Valle, M. Rosa Martínez-Tarazona, Chuguang Zheng. Experimental study on fly ash capture mercury in flue gas. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53 (4): 976-983
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Jing Liu, Mercedes Díaz-Somoano, Patricia Abad-Valle, M. Rosa Martínez-Tarazona, Chuguang Zheng. Study on mechanism of mercury oxidation by fly ash from coal combustion. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(2): 163-167
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Zonghua Wang, Yang Li, Hailong Li, Shan Yang, Chuguang Zheng. Mineralogy and chemical composition of high calcium fly ashes and density fractions from a coal-fired power plant in China. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24 (2): 834–843
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Wenchun Huang, Yang Li, Dangyu Song, Fenghua Zhao, Chuguang Zheng. Arsenic Emission during Combustion of High-Arsenic Coals from Southwestern Guizhou, China, Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49(4): 615-624.
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chen-Lin Chou, Yang Li, Zonghua Wang, Yintang Ge, Chuguang Zheng. Trace Element Emissions from Spontaneous Combustion of Gob Piles in Coal Mines, Shanxi, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2008,73(1): 52-62
Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Junmin Sun, Xiangfei Bai, Chuguang Zheng. Mineralogy, chemical composition, and microstructure of ferrospheres in fly ashes from coal combustion. Energy & Fuels,2006, 20(4): 1490-1497
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